Mountain of french

It is a place not too far away from the town of Diego Suarez from where you can have a panoramic view over the town and the wonderful Sugar Loaf (Nosy Lonjo) sacred place for local peoples. That Mountain of French was a strategic place for the French soldiers at the colonial era at which the built a military barracks from which they could watch the, the seaport entry, town of Diego Suarez and the Windsor castle which was belong to the English. The French colonizers obliged the Malagasy people who could not pay the taxes to dig a tunnel up to the summit of the mountain by cable through some calcareous rock. Now a day’s people have to go up 626 stairs to reach its top at which you can admire the whole of the town of Diego Suarez and its famous bay, with very nice view panoramic. The Christians come to the French Mountain celebrating for pilgrimage currently. The place is also full of vegetations, some types of Baobab trees are also to be found there.