Ivoloina Park

It is in the forest station with an expanse of 282 hectare, located at 12 km north of Tamatave. Ivoloina is an ideal location to spend a whole day full of activities. You can visit the Zoo with 12 types of lemurs both free ranging as on display. Many tortoises, chameleon, boas, tomato frogs, and even new trial insects. This locality has engaged to keep and protect all endemic animals in dangers. And more over this park try to reproduce the way of disappearing. This park is a real paradise of scientific research resource. A nocturnal visit to see the AYE AYE is possible as well as.

Leave the ship to the garden park of Ivoloina, arriving at the park, visit the park, back to Tamatavetown Bazar Be for shopping, and then return to the port.