Biking Excursion

Biking from Tamatave to village called Vohitrambato.

Start of the course on an asphalted track to discover the surroundings of the town of Tamatave and the beauty of its landscapes which are magnificent. Panoramic views of Tamatave from view point of Farafaty place. Interpretation of the past historic of the village of Vohitrambato plus
visit of its places of interest. Relocalisation of the population impacted by the Ambatovy project. Meeting with the countryside people transporting local products for sale in Tamatave. Landscapes of Tamatave and some hills with greenery. At the arrival in that village break so as to drink coconut
juice and to admire folk dance of the local population.
On return to Tamatave possibility of discover of the sociocultural life in Andobony Tahamasy, cultural site bathe of purification, and another route to get back to the Tamatave harbor.

Excursion with professional guides who knows the track well, existence of markers, and medical assistance.